Wednesday, October 31, 2018

American Girl Pumpkin

As I mentioned in my Ghost posting I like to make holiday outfits for the donation project when I can get to them. This year I also made the Pumpkin costume. For those of you interested this costume is made from two free patterns. You can find the pumpkin body here and the hat here.

I would like to take a moment and thank this designer and all those who donate their designs for the rest of us to use freely. It makes my donations go further. I regularly buy and request as gifts patterns to help with my donation. I recognize people's right and need to make money with their talents to support their own families. However, it is important to let people know that their donation of patterns is part of a larger donation that gets to people in need.

This is a fun quick pattern to make up to give a doll a Halloween costume. Pumpkins were a theme with me this year and this one just seemed a part of it all.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

American Girl Ghost Costume

I try every year to get holiday outfits made for the donation, but don't always succeed. This year I did get some Halloween costumes made for the dolls. The first is a simple costume I remember from my own childhood when there wasn't always a great deal of money for costumes. What I remember as being challenging is my mother didn't buy white sheets. She complained they were too hard to keep clean so we rarely had the option for white ghosts or other costumes that required sheets.

The costume is available for purchase here, but it appears to be more expensive than when I received it as a gift several years back. For an experienced crocheter or someone who sews I suspect creating your own ghost costume for the 18" doll is not going to be all that challenging.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Halloween Pumpkin Puppy

It's amazing how quickly you get behind when you find yourself with other projects and you just can't get back to something simple like posting finished projects. This was the second crocheted item that went into the Halloween box along with the Halloween books and the Mouse and the Pumpkin. Thankfully my shipping system is better than the posting system. I've already received a thank you note for the box.

You can purchase the pattern for this project here. I loved the pumpkin and the dog. If I make this again I won't attempt to make it into a Jack O' Lantern. The pattern for the face was not as successful.

I've been fighting a cold all month and I'm not sure I'm going to get to crochet the Thanksgiving items this year. We will have to see as I do have some cute ideas.