Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mrs. Pilgrim Bear

I feel like I have been talking about this poor bear forever. I finished her body and then it took forever to get back to her head as I wandered off to work on other Thanksgiving projects. However, I do love her and want a set for myself before next Thanksgiving.

This bear was created using Annie's Attic Crochet Pilgrim Bears, 8B040. The original pattern is slightly different with more details as I mentioned in my blog about Mr. Pilgrim Bear. However, for those who are interested the pattern is still widely available on the vintage market. Along with making a set for myself, I have a few others to make before the pattern will be retired I am sure.

The bears shipped out last Tuesday and should have arrived either last Friday, or Monday. I hope their journey was a safe one. Since I try to post my blogs in advance, it is not always easy to keep time in perspective. I know during Thanksgiving week my time to update is limited.

Free Holiday Patterns Available on the Following Blog Pages:







Halloween Page

Pictures may not be used without written permission.

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