Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Afghan Continues

I started this project with a Christmas date in mind. However, as usual my projects change. My husband has become attached to this unusual Granny Afghan and I am going to give it to him for his birthday. I have since found several other patterns to make for Christmas so it works for me. I get to experiment with different patterns. I still have more colors to add, but I like the results to date.

I found a new free ripple pattern at AC Moore this weekend from Lion Brand. The one I grabbed did not rip clean so I downloaded the pattern from their website yesterday. This is the first time I am going to be using the heavier yarn to make a project. The yarn was onsale at Knitting Warehouse and was cheaper than the price at JoAnn's.

If you arrived here looking for free afghan patterns check the following blog pages:

Free Afghan Patterns

Toy Theme Afghans

1 comment:

  1. Hi I have been trying to get a hold of you. I think I'm doing somthing wrong because the messege feature doesn't seem to work for me. You were the runner up on the giveaway and I need to talk to you about where to send your prize.
    -thanks candice


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