Thursday, April 26, 2012

Crocheted Wardrobe for 18" Dolls

I was so excited to find Edie Eckman's Crocheted Wardrobe for 18" Dolls, 1278 from American School of Needlework, while out vintage pattern hunting. It was published in 1999, but for some reason it has been very elusive in my hunts to locate out of print crochet patterns. Every time I have located a copy, it was gone before I had a chance consider the cost.

As you can see from the pictures I posted the patterns are nice pants, skirt, and sweater outfits. There are also some cute accessories. I am excited to try a pair of mittens along with a coat. What did impress me is the level of detail regarding assembly of the outfits. While this comes naturally to some, I can always use helpful tips when it comes to sewing the outfits together for their best fit. While a nice selection of outfits, I am not sure why this has made it so hard to locate. My only thought is that there are not that many crochet books for the 18" doll as compared to sewing. For whatever reason, this one seems to have become collectable.

This is going to be a welcome addition as I get prepared to start my Christmas donation doll project.


  1. This is going to make some awesome gifts for your yearly Christmas donations. I see many I would love to try for our AG style doll.


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