Monday, December 1, 2014

Aztec Wishes Donation Delivered

I was so excited knowing my DH was dropping off my doll donations to the school this morning. The business students at the local Tech High School run a toy donation program every year and I donate mostly dressed dolls. A few years I add some extras but for the most part dressing dolls has been my contribution.

This year I started the project right after the donations left the house after Thanksgiving in November of 2013. There was an early deadline last year and I got to work on the holiday outfits finishing most of them before Christmas. It was a wise choice because once I stopped in the spring I had family commitments that kept me from getting back to the doll project. However, because I was so busy in the cold winter months, my donation didn't suffer because I couldn't get back to it in the summer.

This year I donated two 18" dolls, a 15" baby doll, a 12" baby doll, a 5" baby doll, and a bunny cradle purse. It was so much fun seeing the projects grow. I still have a couple of projects to post that I finished and never got posted.

My Mom had an injury that kept her from knitting much of the year. When she got back to it, her focus was on finishing her family projects. She hopes to be back to knitting for the donation next year. I would like to thank friends from Crochetville who sent me items during the year for the project and answered my wishes for new patterns to try. The children greatly appreciate the items for their dolls.

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