Wednesday, December 9, 2015

American Girl Pilgrim

There are some outfits I try to include every year in my donation and others that rotate around as I get new patterns and have to decide what to include and what I don't have time to make. I try to include as many of the holiday outfits as I can each year. When possible I try to get them done before Christmas or right after as they seem not to get finished if I wait until Spring.

This year I dived into the Pilgrim outfit shortly after finishing my Christmas scarf presents. This is an adaption of Darski's We Gather Together pattern found here. Every year I promise myself I will write down the changes I've made and then I remember it doesn't work out that easily. I took pictures and I work through the pictures slightly differently each year.

The sticking point this year was buttons. I just don't enjoy sewing buttons. I put it off for several days and finally finished sewing them on on Tuesday. It isn't a complicated process, just not the part I enjoy. I've started on the Mrs. Claus outfit. The hat is almost finished. Then I'll adapt this same pattern to make Mrs. Claus' dress. Hopefully I'll have that finished so I can get the Christmas party dress completed before Christmas.

Another change I made this year to the Pilgrim outfit was using off white for the hat, apron, and trim. A friend's sister passed away and he offered me the yarn she left behind. Most of it is off white in various brands. It's good quality acrylic and I'm determined to honor her by finding ways to use it in my donation project this year. Next up I'm thinking of using it in a doll sweater I make every year. I've got quite a bit of it, so you'll see it popping up. I think it is a great way to honor her memory.

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