Monday, December 7, 2015

American Girl Sundress

I haven't posted in ages, but I have been busy crocheting scarves for Christmas gifts. I didn't post all of them because many of them were repeats. I fell in love with the pocket scarf and got lots of requests once the first one was finished.

However, I started to get the urge to return to my doll donation project and wanted to get started for 2016. I got Sarah's Sundress pattern as a gift from a Fairy Godmother on Crochetville's wishlist.

As is usual with me I ended up making a couple of changes to the pattern although it was easy to follow. I am useless when it comes to crocheting into a row of slip stitches. I have used a row of slip stitches to end a piece, but I can almost never crochet back into it to continue on to a new row. So I changed the pattern and it worked for me.

I stuck with Caron Simply Soft as suggested by the pattern, but I decided to use up some left over yarn I had from making scarves. The pink actually turned out to be a good choice.

The next project is almost done. I like to start the year with my holiday projects. The Pilgrim girl only needs a button. I haven't had the patience to sew the buttons yet, so I started on the Santa hat until I have the quiet time I need to get it done.

DH will be dropping off 2015's doll donation to Aztec Wishes this week. Thanks to the kindness of friends at Crochetville there are 6 boxes of wonderful crocheted goodies and extra dolls beyond what I normally donate. I can only thank the kindness of friends who have donated finished items, dolls, shoes, tights, and patterns like the one for today's finished product that make all of this possible. I'm hoping to get some pictures taken before the boxes leave.

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