Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Library Fiber Groups in Massachusetts

When I talk to friends who knit and crochet they often talk about wanting a place to gather with others who share their interests. It can be hard to find a place. Some LYS stores offer groups but there can be a subtle pressure to buy while you are there. After all it's only fair they are offering you a place to work, they expect something in return. As someone who works almost exclusively in acrylic and cotton yarns I often feel uncomfortable pulling out my store brand yarns there, too.

Therefore I've been pleased to see local libraries following a trend of offering space for knitters, crocheters, and other fiber crafts to meet up and spend time with each other. The library spaces are free and they offer the chance to borrow and preview books of interest without the pressure to buy anything. These are the 3 library groups I've encountered in the area. Feel free to add any other Massachusetts library groups to the comment section and I'll be happy to add them.

Marlborough Public Library has started a new fiber arts group that meets the third Thursday 10-2 in the Bigelow Auditorium. Park at the library, on the street, or in the parking lot across from the street. Group is small and looking for new members.

New Ravelry group started here

Next meeting February 15 10-12

Hudson Public Library

First Monday of the month 6 PM

Framingham Public Library

Every Wednesday 10-11

2nd and 4th Saturday10-11 Main Library Homework Center

edited to add

Maynard first Wednesday of the month, 10:30-noon

My hope is that if libraries see an interest they will offer more times and flexibility in meeting times. Day hours aren't the easiest for most people. If it doesn't work for you, it is worth letting your library know you are interested and what hours/days would be a better fit for you than what is currently being offered. If they don't see an interest my fear is that this is an idea that will be replaced with something else.

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