Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Dinosaur Afghan Block Number 2

I mentioned last week that I started the Dinosaur blanket pattern that was bought for me as a gift from e-pattern central here. I'm not sure how my project list got to be so long but I can't think of anything that I don't want to do and I keep finding more things that interest me so clearly I'm back to finish what gets done by deadline motto and move forward.

My plan for this gift is to finish the blanket, a dino lovey, and as many dino amis as I can finish before the project has to leave the house. Of course I also have Halloween and Thanksgiving ami's and toys to make, with Christmas right around the corner. Then in between I have to keep getting the doll clothes and this year I've added toy food to that donation list as well. Some how it always seems to get finished.

As for this project, I'm pleased to have finished the second square. As I mentioned in the previous post neither squares or charts are my favorite projects, but I really am happy with this project. I want this to be something special. Only 4 more blocks to go.

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