Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Baby Doll Chistening Set

One of the many things that I loved about the big sister project is it got me exploring patterns I'd never tried before. Tn some cases I'd just gotten into doing the same patterns I knew I could complete in time for the Christmas donation. Some outfits were intimidating. Other outfits like this one might not fit the category of a donation to people you don't know. However, knowing where the gift was going it was a pleasure to try out the Christening set from Darski's free pattern set Sweet Baby mine which you can find here.

I've had this set printed for several years as there are several adorable patterns. I'm not sure why I haven't tackled it before. However, something about this challenge made me look at it and I made my way through most of the patterns. As I mentioned I'm still working through the blanket to finish for the donation. I even adapted the bonnet from the Christening outfit to use in the Pilgrim holiday outfit. If you are looking to make baby doll clothes this is a pattern to download and keep. There are lots of great patterns in it for your doll making interests.

For those of you who have been following these posts you may note I did get these booties to fit the doll. I will have to remember that for future projects.

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