Monday, November 18, 2019

Little Angel Baby Doll Layette

I find inspiration for my doll projects where ever I can. This designer has a unique ministry to help parents who have need of burial clothes for their children. While it may seem morbid the clothes often are the perfect size for dolls and free patterns give me an opportunity to stretch my crafting dollars. She models the outfits using dolls about the same size as those I use for my doll projects making her patterns a good match. This layette set is a free pattern you can find here.

I used regular worsted weight yarn on this project although it calls for baby weight. While a 4 it was a lighter weight yarn than my normal worsted and perfect for this project. It was another chance to use up some yarn left over from previous projects. While I consistently buy yarn to get specific colors and weights, I also am always on the look out for ways to make a dent in a every growing yarn stash.

1 comment:

  1. My granddaughters always loved homemade outfits for their dolls and even their stuffed animals.


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