Friday, December 13, 2019

Doll Diaper Bag Items

A funny thing happened after Veteran's Day but before Thanksgiving this year I decided to do inventory. I had stopped in September working on the doll donation project to complete the Big Sister project and then when I was done with that I dived right back into making 18 inch doll clothes and working on Christmas presents. Something kept nagging at me and I decided to go look at the big bags I keep all the donations in to do an inventory of what I had completed, what had been donated, etc. I discovered something that I needed to fix and thankfully not too long after Veteran's Day I fixed the problem. I'd only partially completed the baby doll diaper bag items. I had the wipes made for both bags and one bag had a changing pad. However I was short several other items I include every year.

The doll diaper pattern is a free one I've used for years. You can still get it through the Wayback machine here but as always I suggest downloading it and putting it somewhere safe as it can disappear anytime. What I love about this pattern is depending on hook size you can use it for a variety of dolls. I started using it for the 12" dolls when I first started this project. Now with a K hook it is still working for the 16" dolls. I sew snaps rather than using buttons. If you do this I suggest not skipping stitches as these form what will be the button holes for the project. You have more room to attach the snaps if you don't leave a hole. These were actually a nice relaxing quick project to do between other items I've been working on for Christmas gifts. It's amazing how fast they come together. For me the longest part is sewing on the snaps.

I like to make 2 diapers for each doll as it allows the child to have the doll wear one and then "change" the doll into a "clean" diaper should the child wish engage in this type of play. Before I crocheted my nieces went through the plastic reusable "disposable" type doll diapers years ago. The problem was they didn't last long as the plastic usually ripped and the children were left frustrated. It was often not easy to purchase replacements. These are more resistant to abuse and thus more likely to last. For those of you who crochet, if they do break it is easy enough to make more they are quick to whip up and don't use much yarn.

I normally crochet the baby bottles from the pattern that comes with the changing pad. However I have been inspired to reach out and try new things this year and I've had this free pattern from The Blue Crab Stitches at Midnight for years that I've never tried. So this was the year. I also love to be able to offer my readers free patterns to try when possible so this was the year to try it out. You can find the pattern here. My bottles are faceless.

The bib is another free pattern found here. As with many baby doll patterns this one needed to be adapted to fit the larger baby doll. I started with a chain 16 and did 20 rows before changing to the shaping row for the neck. It is the beauty of these patterns with a basic pattern you can make it fit most dolls. This pattern also comes with a pattern for a spoon and a baby food jar. I've made these in the past and hope to make them again in the future, but this wasn't the year to complete them for this donation. I'm glad to say I've finished what I consider to be the basics for the doll diaper bags before they needed to be donated.

Lastly, the changing pad is part of a paid pattern set for a diaper bag that can be purchased here. I have been using this set for years. The last couple of years I've been blessed that a friend from Crochetville made the bags so I haven't had to as bags are not really in my skill set. However, I love making the wipes and the other parts of the set to include. It makes for a nice play set for the baby dolls.

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