Friday, March 13, 2020

Basket Weave Doll Blanket

I could have sworn I had a basket weave doll blanket pattern but when I went to find a pattern to start this blanket I couldn't find one so I just played with the basket weave stitch to create this one.

This was my January and early February travel project. I find the basket weave stitch to be a relaxing stitch which is perfect when you are working on a project while waiting. As I write this in early February, I'm hoping to get another blanket started today so I will have my travel project ready to go the next time I need it. It really does make waiting less stressful and I feel like I'm accomplishing something during time that I really can't do much else.

This was a skein of big ball sport purple yarn I found while exploring my stash, not the other purple yarn you've seen previously. This project didn't finish this skein so I will have to find other projects to finish it off.

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