Friday, March 6, 2020

Easy Peasy Baby Doll Afghan

When I ran out of yarn for the post stitch afghan I remembered I had another purple ball of the same kind of baby yarn in my stash, the problem it was a slightly different shade of purple and they didn't go together well. So after finishing that blanket it was time to attack the second big ball of baby yarn with another baby doll blanket and continue to grow the supply of blankets I have for the donation for this year.

I wanted to try something with a different pattern and texture so returning to Annabelle's Doll Afghan's which can be purchased here I chose her Easy Peasy doll blanket. I've made this blanket many times over the years as it works up quickly.

This is a seed stitch afghan and one of the reasons this is a favorite pattern of mine is for the most part the pattern comes out evenly at the end if you've counted correctly. I still check my stitch count every so many rows as I did pick up a stitch at one point and had to pull out the row in order make the number of stitches count correctly. However for the most part when you make a mistake you end up with the wrong stitch at the end of a row unless like me you add a stitch helping it to come out even.

In the past I've made this blanket with variegated yarn but I was pleasantly surprised with how nice the pattern emerged on a single color. The texture made for a very pretty doll blanket. I was able to continue my quest for using up orphan yarns by using the same baby yarn to trim this blanket as I'd used on the other blanket. I'm determined to finish off that skein as it is one of those skeins that isn't really large enough to complete a project on its own but not small enough that these little tasks have killed it off yet either.

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