Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Lots to Love 8 Inch Bunny Suit

I've always loved the little 5 Inch Lots to Love dolls that people knit and crochet holiday outfits to add to their holiday decorations. Sadly, I've never been very great making doll clothes that small. I've been fortunate to have family and friends who have made some for me over the years and I happily display them for the various holidays.

When I discovered Annie Potter's collection of 8 inch doll clothes leaflets I included her holiday book in my order, not for donations, but for myself. I wanted to make some of my own doll decorations and this is my first. The print edition is available for purchase here. This pattern set is also available for purchase in digital format at Etsy here.

This was a great project to use the sport yarn I had picked up at AC Moore prior to their closing. I look forward to making more clothes from my stock for the 8 and 10 inch Lots to Love dolls. Then of course I'll have to find a new supply of sport weight that has that range of colors and is the right weight for these clothes.


This pattern worked up with an e hook and sport weight yarn. Getting the feet to fit was the biggest challenge. I think when I make the next footed outfit I would have the outfit on the doll as I finished off the feet to try to make the footed pj's fit better. I changed the ears from the pattern. The pattern has the ears droop down the side of the bunnies head. I sewed two ears together to get the ears to stand up. I just liked the look better. I had carrot buttons on hand so I used one on the front. The picture has heart buttons. I did not add the ties to the feet as they already had challenges fitting to the doll.

I've decided this doll will be dedicated to this outfit and I'll pick up others for the different holiday dolls as I've done with the 5" dolls. It may not be necessary with all the dolls but the fitted nature of this outfit will create some damage to it if I try to put it on and off too many times. The doll dresses might be better suited to removing and storing with the holiday decorations and changing the doll to a new outfit for the next holiday.

A friend suggested I try making some of the 5" doll outfits with sport yarn for the 8" dolls. Once I've worked through this pattern set I may try that. I think I have the Holiday Itty Bitties book. If not it is regularly on sale at e-patterns central so I could pick it up if I can't find my print leaflet. That would give me some variety for my holiday outfit choices.

Updated to add:

Since I made this outfit I discovered FreePatterns.com has just one pattern from the House of White Birches Crochet Holiday Baby Dolls 101102 and it is the Easter Bunny doll. You can find the free pattern here. It is different from this one, but I've had great success in adapting the patterns from this series to the 8" Lots to Love dolls. Since it is a free pattern it is a good chance to try it out. You will need to give them your email to access the site's patterns. If this link doesn't bring you directly to the pattern it is called Easter Bunny Baby Doll Costume.


  1. This is so lovely! I have picked the crochet hooks up more since spending more time at home. I'm really enjoying getting back into it. Stay safe and have a lovely weekend. :) #MMBC

  2. So cute. You must be a fast stitcher. I am working on an afghan. Thanks so much for linking up with me at A Themed Linkup 45 for Spring Crafts and Décor.


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