Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Spring Finger Puppets

As you may have noticed if you drop by here and read about my holiday package posts, I've become intrigued with finger puppets to add to the packages. I found a free Spring Finger puppets pattern here. While great for Easter, I should have dug this out for the farm puppet project. These would have been great additions. However, I'm sure these little creatures can find their way to the already established farm puppet colony.

These patterns work up really quick. I had the three worked up in a couple of hours. I made my bag slightly larger than the egg sized suggested as I have plans to stuff some other items in there.

There are some unique features to the construction of these finger puppets which I would like to visit again. The bunny's ears are made as one piece. For someone like myself who finds sewing the pieces together to be a huge chore this was a wonderful gift. It also meant the ears weren't at different heights which can happen to me when I'm sewing them on separately. The sheep's fleece has texture due to the stitch chose made which is different from the other two characters.

Notes for me.

I sewed in the ends as I went along to avoid trying to have to turn the very small puppets inside out later. I added a beak to the chick that isn't in the pattern.. I am coming to like grey bunnies. The pattern had brown which I knew I wasn't going to use, but I didn't want a white sheep and I white bunny.


  1. How cute!! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 10, open March 1 to 26. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed. My party Bottle – 65 Words Writing Prompt Linkup is open March 10 to 20 if you’d like to join in for fun and creativity!

  2. Aw, these are wonderful and would make a lovely keepsake for children this Easter! #MMBC

  3. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 14 for Spring Crafts and Decor, open March 29 to April 10. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed.


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