Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Mr. Vampire

Another villager is finished and ready to be part of Halloween town. I've finished all of the characters from this set with the exception of the pumpkin. Not sure I will have the chance to make the pumpkin this year as there are a couple of other Halloween villagers I want to finish before I mail off this Halloween box. We will just have to see how things work out.

You can purchase the Halloween Minis here. I'm hoping to purchase her two Christmas pattern sets soon as I'ld like to get a jump on making some Christmas characters to send off, too. I've become a huge fan of the way she designs her ami's and I love following her patterns.

Mr. Vampire is made using Schachenmayr Catania yarn which is a light sport weight cotton yarn. I've become a huge fan of light sport cotton for ami's recently. For those of you who haven't used cotton for ami's this has a much different feel than the kitchen cotton you might be familiar with using. It is softer and I've found for the smaller ami's it creates and holds shapes nicely in a way I don't quite get when I use lighter acrylic weights.

For those of you who have been using it for years, I mention this only because I really had limited experience with cotton yarns outside the kitchen cottons until a several years ago when I started looking for fine and sport weight yarns and started purchasing cotton and cotton blend yarns. I don't often make clothing so acrylic often works well for the projects I make. I've not often explored natural fibers.

This year my experience broadened even more when I bought patterns that called for even lighter yarns than I'd used previously and I not only discovered new yarns, but new places to purchase yarn. So I mention it here because cotton was something I associated with kitchen cotton for a long time. My experience with the range of cotton yarns continues to grow as I look for different weights and especially colors of cotton.


  1. Aw, this is brilliant! What a great pattern. I really enjoy using cotton yarn in my projects.
    Thanks so much for sharing with #MMBC. Take care! :)

  2. Nice job on it. Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 17.


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