Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Baby Doll Diaper Bags

While I love adding items to the donation that increase creative play I like making some items more than others. I've admitted over the years there are some I'm just not very good at and one of these is the baby doll diaper bags.

I've included these over the years because they offer the play value and they offer an additional value of storage for all the doll items we make and donate. These bags can help keep all the clothes and accessories stored where storage can sometimes be an issue for families.

This year my very sweet big sister came to my rescue and sewed these beautiful bags. I have the three I need for the larger baby dolls and I have one to start next year's donation. I cannot thank her enough for taking on this task. I've already got some of the items to put in the bags and will be continuing to work on making the rest of the items needed before they head out in November.


  1. The fabrics used to make the diaper bags are very attractive. How nice that you and your sister are putting these together for donations. They'll make someone very very happy!

  2. How very sweet and practical to go with the dolls you donate. Thank you for sharing. #HomeMattersParty


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