Friday, June 25, 2021

Barbie Clothes donation

I've been following the beautiful Barbie designs at Shasarignis Blog and had commented on her work. We began talking about my doll donation project. She offered to send me doll clothes and before I knew it a package had arrived with 3 beautiful Barbie outfits on Wednesday.

While I of course ame thrilled with the beautiful clothes what makes me the happiest is knowing this will make some little child very happy on Christmas morning. Barbie is getting quite the wardrobe to head off to her new home this Christmas. I'm always amazed and thrilled at the generous spirit of people to give to others in need.


  1. Honestly this is the best reason for blogging, or joining doll groups on FB. The generosity amongst the doll collecting community is amazing! Wonderful gifts, Sandi

  2. Such a lovely thing to do. I am certain they will bring a smile to a little face this Christmas.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Hi Chris,
    Thank you for this post. I am very happy that some children will receive some of my handmade fashions. 😊😊😊

  4. So, where do you donate doll clothes?

  5. Prior to COVID the business department students at our local tech high school run a charity toy drive every year using their business tech skills to run the donation and match the donations to the program they work with that needs toys. Last year the kids were remote schooling so I donated directly to the charity they work with so the kids would still get the toys. This year I'm hoping the school program is back up and running because I like the dual purpose of the donations. It gets high school kids involved with learning charity work and it provides needed toys at Christmas.

  6. What a great collection of outfits. They are going to make a child very happy xx


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