Thursday, June 3, 2021

Ocean Play Tower

I mentioned in my previous post that I wanted to finish up the Ocean Play Tower so it would be ready for the July birthday box. I'd been working on the pattern, you can purchase here, for some time and the main structure was finished at the beginning of May. I had stalled when doing the finish work. When I realized it was Memorial Day weekend and June was around the corner I decided it was time to finish off the tower. What additional animals I add will be a matter of what I get done before the mailing deadline.

Along with adding another play set to the birthday box it also added the feel of a coral reef to the project.

The instructions for creating the towere were excellent. The tower came together well and the part that took me the longest were the outside decorations which I added before putting the towers together. The directions for these are also clear just time consuming. I chose to use smaller fibers rather than split fibers as suggested for some of the projects. My fish are larger than prescribed because I failed to change fiber and hook size.


  1. I really like your Ocean Play tower. I will have to check out the pattern.

  2. That's really sweet. I'll be honest, I wasn't actually sure what a play tower is but I had a peek at the original pattern and it all makes sense now. What a wonderful gift.

  3. This will be an amazing present when you get all of the pieces made. I look forward to when you share it with us. #HomeMattersParty


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