Monday, January 30, 2023

Lots to Love 14 Inch Baby Doll Baylee's Bikini

This is an Amy Caricco's Baby Doll Pattern for the Lots to Love 14 Inch Baby doll but I can't provide a link as her pattern store is once again not available. Should it return I will post a link. I tend to go on a buying spree when her pattern store is up and I think I have most of her patterns for the doll sizes I donate that she's made available in recent years. I know there are some that she's not posted in a while so I keep my eye out hoping that the ones I'm missing will reaapear and hoping for new patterns should she have time to resume her store.

With all that being said I went into this pattern with confidence as I've had great success with what I'd consider to be far more complicated of her doll patterns. This one was more challenging. I've had some issues with guage this year so I'm willing to accept that the challenge may be mine.


The pattern called for baby sport yarn and an e hook. I ended up moving to Red Heart Super Saver and an I hook for the non trim items. I used a g hook for the triple crochets and trim.

I decreased sc 3 dc at the waist line and then a row of hdc to cover the doll diaper.

I ended up playing yarn chicken with my variegated yarn. It was an old skein and I thought I had more in reserve and found to my dismay I did not have enough to finish the project. As a result I used the contrast color to finish the hat and I did not make the beach towel for the outfit. I may try that for next year. I have some ideas to work around the challenges I had this year that I've used on other patterns.

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