Tuesday, October 24, 2023

My Life Swim Suit Doll 2

Swim suits or bathing suits are one of the more common 18 inch doll patterns and I have acquired quite a few patterns over the years which allows me to rotate them around and not have to do the same ones each year. This one was one of my firsts and sadly is no longer available. Along with the suit, hat, and towel seen here the pattern also has a beach ball and rubby ducky floaty which with time constraints I chose not to make this year. The pattern was created by Stepahine Dygert and if it becomes available again, I'll add the link.

My gauge has been odd this fall. I needed a J hook to get this to slide over the doll. I went back to an f hook for the accessories and the hat fit the head fine. The other items were less sized based so the f hook was fine. I might consider an e hook if I make the pail again with acrylic rather than cotton yarn.

I did try this on the JC 16 Inch Baby doll and the fit is good so this might also be the second baby doll swim suit as well. It works up quickly and it keeps the sorting a little easier when the clothes aren't identical in the donation bags.


  1. I love these little outfits you keep on creating. The little matching towel and hat are so cute.
    You are such a lovely person to donate these. I'm sure they are received with so much appreciation and love. :)


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