Monday, January 1, 2024

Lil Cutesies Moses Basket

Happy New Year to all. I hope your New Year is getting off to a great start.

I finished off another category of donation items before the New Year and that was a great way to start.

Having finished the Lil Cutesies Moses basket I'm done making them for the 2024 donation.

I no longer make them for the larger baby dolls as working with three strands of yarn on the larger carriers proved hard on my hands. For those of you interested there is a wonderful free pattern here. The pattern is not complicated and it makes a solid carrier but after a decade of making two a year my hands starting saying no. After 2022 I started purchasing substitutes for the larger dolls.

For the Lots to Love 14 Inch Doll I've been buying the Manhattan Toy Stella Collection Soft Fabric Baby Doll Bassinet and Carrier for 12" to 15" Baby Dolls. I tend to shop for price so I've purchased it from Amazon, Christian and oddly this year from Barnes and Noble for the coming year as they had the best price. I had no idea they would carry it. There are lower and higher priced items on the market. I try to strike a balance in my donation budget.

When I was making these baskets it took my 3 skeins of Caron Pounders to make sure I didn't run out before the project was finished. I figured what I was paying for yarn would translate close to what I was willing to pay for a replacement cost with a bonus I'd released my time for other doll projects. While I could save money by buying the cheaper stuff they don't last and these are the families the least able to replace a toy when it breaks.

The Manhattan carrier wouldn't fit the larger JC 16 inch baby dolls so I hunted for something bigger. Again price was a factor. I was looking for something within the replacement range of what I had been making previously. I settled on June Garden Cozy Dream Doll Bassinet - Baby Doll Portable Carrier on Amazon. This one doesn't go on sale as often but still falls within my price goal at full price. However, it did drop to just over $18 in Novmember when I was able to get two for the 2024 donation.

Now back to my final Moses basket of the year.



Basket: Homespun Aster

Blanket: Lion Brand Baby Soft (3) Dusty Lilac

I used a G hook for the basket with the heavier yarn and an H for the blanket as the J hook made a rather large blanket for the smaller Lots to Love 8 Inch Doll and I wanted to correct that with the Lil Cutesies project.

The basket is part of Annie Potter presents Sweet Baby Layette pattern set and can be purchased here.

The blanket is part of a free pattern set for the 10 Inch Baby doll BBL found here.


  1. This is precious! You do such lovely work.
    Visiting today from Crazy Little Love Birds 19 #25

  2. Your little Cutesies Moses Basket is adorable. I think the color that you chose to go with is so pretty. Thank you for sharing with us at The Crazy Little Love Birds link party #19.


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