Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chester the Turkey Boy

I saw Chester the Turkey Boy while doing a search for Thanksgiving patterns to include in my Thanksgiving box. My husband kindly placed the digital order for him so I would have him in time to complete my Thanksgiving box.

This guy reminded me of the many Thanksgiving pageants I have seen over the years with the child dressed up as the Thanksgiving turkey. I do not know if that was the designer's intent, but it was my motivation for buying the pattern and wanting to make it.

When I approached the pattern I thought the challenge would be the head because it had the cover on it. That proved to be very workable. For some reason what I found hard were the directions for the wings. I suspect there was a disconenct on my part. I put aside the turkey after finishing the head and struggling with the wings and came back to so I could finish up my Thanksgiving box. This time I skipped the wings and went right to the body. The legs and body worked up quickly. The directions and pictures for the tail feathers used a similar technique to those of the wings, but for some reason I found them easier to understand. With the tail feathers completed the wings were no longer a major challenge.

I love this pattern and can see myself returning to make more Thanksgiving turkeys. This one will be headed off in the Thanksgiving box. I at least need one more for my house and I suspect my husband will want one for his office. While not likely to happen in time for this year, there is always next year.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how cute! Whatever your disconnect was, you seem to overcome it in grand style. He is just perfect for Thanksgiving decorations!


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