Friday, April 27, 2012

Rib Hexagon Dishcloth with Back Post Stiches

I mentioned in a previous post that I made the Rib Hexagon dishcloth from Learn-a-Stitch Crochet Dishcloths with the wrong stitches even though I had made it previously the right way.

This is the one I made using front post stitches:

There are advantages to both and I think I might continue to try both ways. The correct method creates a better scrubber, but it does not lay as flat. The front post method still cleans well, lays flatter, and I just like the look of it. Sometimes mistakes create something unique.

Find free dishcloth and dishcloth holiday patterns on this blog:


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1 comment:

  1. They are both pretty. And, there are no mistakes, just different patterns. ;)


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