Friday, December 11, 2015

Dr. Who Scarf

I have a younger family member who has become something of a Dr. Who fan. I decided to explore my options for making a Dr. Who scarf for her for Christmas. Since the original is knitted this was a challenge, but there are several free patterns posted to adapt the idea to crochet. After reading several I found the most helpful to be dreamweaverartsandcrafts post on the topic here.

The chart she discovered for the colors and her suggestions for how much to buy of the Vanna's Choice yarn I needed for the project were incredibly helpful. Most of the other patterns suggest the English Stylecraft yarn. I'm sure this is a wonderful option for those who want a pure recreation. However, mine is being made for a preteen. The odds is will get lost, be damaged, or otherwise suffer harm are pretty high. I couldn't find Stylecraft in the US and importing it made it quite pricey. Even buying Vanna's yarn on sale with free shipping, the amount of yarn used still doesn't bring this in as a cheap gag gift. You have to know the person is going to like it.

I did make some changes. I made mine half as wide as her pattern suggested. It was turning into a bizarre shawl at the original width and it would have crushed the person it is being given as a gift. I frogged it and made it half as wide. I did stick with the hdc and used one hdc row per suggested on the chart and it seemed to be a more reasonable length. Perhaps not authentic, but it's a preteen not a six foot giant who will be wearing it.

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