Thursday, October 7, 2021

Lots to Love 8 Inch Doll Spring Set

This is another one of the Amy Carrico doll patterns I picked up when I realized she'd added more patterns to her Etsy store and I wanted to make sure I bought them in case they disappeared again. You can purchase the pattern here.

I used a C hook with Big Ball Baby Sport Yarn - White and a discontinued version of Euro Babe yarn for the pink which is leaning purple in the pictures.

This was another occasion to start in on a stash of yarn that I don't remember buying and therefore have no idea what project it was intended for originally. Using it up on donation projects eems a great idea.


I expereminted with the B hook and settled on going up to the C hook for the entire project as the dress was too tight with the B.

When I make this again I'd add more rows to the sleeves and decrease the stitch count.

The "pearl" shaped button is LeMode 1/4 inch button card that came 5 to a set I bought at Joann's. I also bought the 1/2 inch 3 to a card set as I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted. I did not see them sold on the website when I looked. I mention this because I know I'll be looking back here and trying to remember where I bought the buttons as the style is different from most of the buttons I pick up in store or online from various vendors and writing it down is a gift to myself.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely outfit. The little shawl is just adorable!


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