Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Chelsea Sleeping Bag

I originally thought about adapting the free Barbie sleeping bag to fit Chelsea but on the same website was a pattern for the Teeny Beanie Sleeping Bag found here so I decided to try that for Chelsea instead as the size seemed like it would fit.

I used the suggested I hook and worsted 4 weight yarn for the project. In order to make it long enough for Chelsea as this was not designed for her I had to add a few rows at the end before closing it.

These sleeping bags are fun accessories for the dolls and they work up very quickly and are a great use for yarn scraps you might want to finish off.


  1. It's fun also for aphone, a small one, this sleeping bag.
    I love the color!
    Happy WW!

  2. As a kid I loved putting my dolls to bed, my nan would sew me little sleeping bags for them until I was old enough to make them myself. This is so sweet and brings back some lovely memories. Thank you for sharing it with us at Handmade Monday :-)


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