Thursday, January 26, 2023

Ken Sleeping Bag

I've been working my way through various accessory projects and it was time to make Ken's sleeping bag.

His sleeping bag is made with the same free pattern I used for Barbie's found here.


I used Hobby Lobby's I Love this Yarn Autumn Stripes for this project. (I note this because I want to buy more for other projects and I'm terrible with remembering names of colors.)

After you establish the actual sleeping bag portion of the bag distance becomes more important than row counting. The rows are accurate for establishing the pillow and where you want to chain to begin working in the round for the bag but as for the length of the bag it really depends on your doll. I didn't measure for Barbie or Chelsea but I will the next time I make the bags. I did for Ken however and the bag from top of pillow to where I stopped the rounds to join was a little over 13 inches.

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