Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Chelsea Sleeping Bag

I needed a small travel project for a rare Saturday appointment. These often come with wait times so I thought it best to have a small travel project.

I was able to fit Chelsea in one of the pockets of my project bag along with my regular crochet tools as I need to measure as I go with this project as the pattern is designed for a Beanie Babie and isn't quite the right length for Chelsea. It is easy enough to adapt by measuring the length against Chelsea and adding rows until her feet are covered before closing the end.

You can find the Teanie Beanie free sleeping bag pattern here.


I ended up using the same left over ball of purple I used last year to make the sleeping bag.

I hook

This is the beginning of the sleeping bag project for the non-baby dolls. I'll be alternating the sleeping bag with other accessory and clothing projects. This week I'm hoping to finish off the last of the bibs I need and hopefully get one more diaper finished before beginning another clothing item. In that way I'm hoping to get back to that balance I had before the holidays hit of working on accessories and clothing so all dolls leave with a wardrobe along with accessories.

I did pick up clothes at Dollar Tree for Chelsea so she will have some clothes, but I always like the dolls to leave with hand made items when I have the time to make them. The Dollar Tree items are more of an insurance policy and for times I just don't get to the smaller dolls or extras because most girls love extra doll outfits for their fashion dolls.

1 comment:

  1. This is so darling! What a fun, creative project. Visiting from the Crazy Little Love Birds linkup.


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