Monday, May 6, 2024

Our Generation Let the Sunshine In

Let the Sunshine in is part of Darski's free Weatherby pattern set found here. The shoes are made with Sweet Silver Creations Sailor pattern which I noticed recently was available again for purchase here.


I am pleased to say I was able to find Navy Red Heart Super Saver locally again. I looked last year and even online I couldn't get navy when I went to make this dress last fall. I go through phases with Navy so when I stock up it takes me a while before I need it again. Sure enough when I ran out last year I couldn't find it. I have a Jumbo so it should last me a while as doll clothes are small.

I used a K hook on the dress for the bodice and an I hook for the skirt. I used a K hook for the Bolero jacket.

I suspect I took out some of the increases in previous years and failed to note it so for my next attempt I'm noting I make want to take out some of the increases in the skirt as it was fuller than in previous years.

There is a mistake in the hat and next year I want a reminder that the brim should be wider and if it isn't than I've made a mistake and should repair before finishing.

I took these pictures back in 2022 and continue to include them in posts about this project as a reminder to myself because while I didn't need them this year. When I stop putting them in my project notes I may not look back several years to figure out why it is so hard now when it wasn't before.

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