Thursday, June 13, 2024

Glitter Girl Bathing Suit

Another doll finished for the yearly bathing/swimsuit challenge.

You can purchase the Wellie Wisher pattern I used for this project here.

There are still a few vendors that make solid colored size 3 thread including Aunt Lydia's and Thread Art. However, finding the contrast multi-colored threads can be more challenging. I'd picked up some Lizbeth in size 10 but then it became hard to find. This year I found it at Handy Hands and picked up a supply of size 3 as I never know how long something will be available and I do use the multi-colored threads for a variety of projects. I can use 2 pieces of size 10 together but this burns through my size 10 thread faster and it is more of a pain dealing with the thread tangling. I list the vendor because I am sure at some point I will be looking and have forgotten where I bought the thread and be looking for the vendor again.


I don't have the package label for the solid color so I don't have brand or color for the main thread for the outfit. If I had to guess I'd say it's likely Thread Art Slate Blue. I haven't found many shades and varieties left with Aunt Lydia to buy so I'm just guessing this isn't Aunt Lydia's.

Just a note for myself as I was trying to locate the source of the main color I did locate additional sources of size 3 for future purchases. I had checked Creative Yarn Source previously for size 3 because I get my 20 and 30 size thread there for some of my Barbie patterns.

I hadn't seen it there before but today I discovered the sell a Hilaze 3 brand and while there isn't a huge selection of colors they have colors I haven't previously found. I also discovered Knit Pick's has Curio 3 that I was previously unaware of with again not a huge selection but different colors than I normally find when looking for thread.

Getting back to this project the contrast color is Lizbeth size 3 Wildflower

I followed the pattern as written except that I finished the leg holes with a round of sc and then a round of sc chain 2 skip 1 around.

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