Thursday, February 8, 2018

Cat Pot Holder

As I mentioned in previous posts I've been working on answering wishes for Crochetville's wish list. One had a cat theme and since I decided to work on sending out some dishcloths and pot holders my goal has been finding patterns to match. I actually found the pot holder before the dishcloth, but I started on the dishcloth first.

I always like to thank the designers that offer their patterns up for us to use for free. This Fat Tabby Pot Holder Can be found at The Blue Crab Stitches at Midnight here. The directions were easy to follow and I made the only mistake in making the pot holder a row short. Having done all the detail on the face and sewn it all together, I wasn't going to start over. Thus, my cat is slightly smaller than it should be if I'd followed the directions.

The only changes I made were functional. I like dishcloths and potholders you can use. This pattern does use cotton, but it has decorative items that make the pot holder decorative not functional. I changed the eyes and the nose. For the eyes I merely did a magic circle with 6 sc inside. I then put black french knots inside the eyes to give them some definition. For the nose I chained seven and crocheted all around the chain to slip stitching into the first stitch at the end to create the nose. These notes aren't formal because they are written for me to use if I ever am called to create another cat pot holder and can't remember what I did. They are not designed as formal pattern notes.

I've begun work on the St. Patrick's Day holiday box. I'm also continuing with my wish list projects. I've got a few more to knock off and then it's back to doll donation work. The dishcloth project has been giving my hands a bit of a rest.

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