Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Easter Pot Holder

I've been very blessed to have been part of the Crochetville community for many years now. We've had a wishlist traditon there since long before my arrival. It had fallen off for a while but recently been revived. We call those who bless us with gifts Fairy Godmothers. Mine sent me the Easter Egg Chick Potholder. In return, I sent her the pot holder for her home.

I'd been gifted the actual pot holders made from patterns by this designer, but this was my first attempt at one and after making this I am going to be looking at picking up some of the other holiday patterns. They are fun to make and having the other ones in my kitchen, I know they really do make my kitchen feel more in the holiday spirit year round as I dig out the appropriate matching pot holder.

I've been struggling with some hand and wrist problems since I started working on the second baby doll carrier which is almost finished so the color changes on this were slightly more challenging than I'd normally have experienced. I'd probably have waited to try it, but I really wanted it ready to send off as a part of a wishlist package.


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