Thursday, March 5, 2020

Crochet Hot Cocoa

As I mentioned in the cupcake post I was looking to add some crocheted play food items to the St. Patrick's Day package. While looking at my pattern options I came across what had been a free pattern and now is available at Ravelry for $1.99 here a set called Christmas Cocoa.

The pattern set includes directions for cocoa, sugar cookies, and a candy cane. I've seen several cocoa patterns but this is the first I've seen with marshmallows.

If you like food patterns with faces this includes that too. Where mine are for little ones I tend to reduce use of saftey eyes/noses to places I really need them. I tend to avoid adding them to food items. If I was making this for an adult or older children I'd consider adding the faces as the faces were cute.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute crochet project! These would make great Christmas tree decorations just on a smaller scale. :)

    Thanks so much for sharing with #MMBC.


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