Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Minty Keen Baby Doll

I've been writing quite a bit about the Peachy Keen doll pattern because I've used the shoes in just about every baby doll outfit I've made this year. I've never made it for a donation doll only for the Big Sister project last October. It seemed like it was time to give it a go.

I had 3 skeins of left over yarn from making the last baby doll carrier and I didn't want it hanging around so I decided to target it with a project. This free pattern which you can find here seemed ideal for the project.


I would use a smaller hook for the next outfit I need to make for the donation. It calls for a 7 hook which is between the G and H. I took a risk and went with the H since I hadn't made notes on the Big sister project about what hook I used. I believe I have a 7 hook and if I can't find it I would try the G to see how it fit, especially in the skirt area which seems a bit large with the H hook. This made the jacket harder to fit over the dress. Easy enough to fix in the next round.

It's not even Valentine's day as I write this so I feel like I'm making good time getting the baby doll outfits complete for the donation before I turn to the 18" dolls. I've been tempted a few times as I've had yarn to finish off or come across yarn in my stash hunts, but I have a feeling once down that road I will end up as I was this year looking at the huge pile of 18 inch stuff and wondering where all the baby doll stuff was that I intended to finish but never started. So I'm sticking with my mission to finish the baby doll stuff and then move on to the 18 inch clothes.

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