Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Knight Finger Puppet

Last August I completed the Castle Tote too late to use for the summer birthday I had intended it for so I put it aside after making a few puppets and left it for Christmas. You can see that project here.

The time has come to add more characters to the tote and before returning to the puppet pattern I had been working on I decided to try another free pattern I found here that features finger puppet patterns for a knight, a warrior princess, and another dragon. These puppets were different from others I'd made and I was excited to try them.

The main body of the puppet was made with Omega Sinfonia sport cotton. The details like the hair, etc. were made from scraps of various brands of cotton sport yarn so I can't be specific. I've been trying to use up what I have on hand from previous projects where I can.

The pattern glues felt on for the sword and the cross. I experimented with sewing them on because I haven't had the greatest experinece with yarn and glue and since little hands can be tough on toys I wanted to make sure they wouldn't fall off.

Another note for myself, I was able to use saftey eyes on this puppet and the warrior princess because the head is not open for the finger to manipulate as part of the puppet. Since it is almost completely closed and stuffed, this pattern calls for saftey eyes rather than sewing them as googly eyes wouldn't really work for these projects.

I liked the body of the puppet including the details. I was a little disappointed with the helmet and how it shaped the head. I've made several knight helmets over the years and something was just off about this one. If I make him again I'll have to work on the helmet to get it to fit the way I want. For now I move on as Christmas is coming.

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