This prayer shawl was made using the Tranquil Diamonds Shawl pattern found in Crocheted Prayer Shawl Companion, The: 37 Patterns to Embrace, Inspire, and Celebrate Life.
This was a fun pattern to work on and slightly different from any of the others I had previously made. The only challenge I had was in not reading the directions correctly on how the diamond was formed. Looking back it now seems logical. At the time it created some confusion for me and I had to pull it out and consider logically what the directions were asking of me to complete the task.
I'm still trying to locate a place in my house that will allow proper lighting for the prayer shawls. The doll shots work well in the brighter lights of my kitchen. Finding a place with great lighting to take the shawl shots has not been as easy.
If you arrived here looking for free Prayer Shawl Patterns please check out the following Blog Page:
Free Prayer Shawl Patterns
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