As I stated in a previous blog I have had to expand the toy page again to make space for all the new free patterns I found. Yesterday, I added a page for the crochet amigurumi and stuffed animals, today it is time to create a knitted animal free pattern page.
If you are looking for other free toy patterns, please do look at the lists on the side to see what other offerings are available. I have included links to the most popular toy searches available on the blog here as well. You will find doll links listed on the side.
Knit and Crochet Toys
Crochet Amigurumi Animals and Stuffed Animals
Crochet and Knit Amigurumi and Other Dolls
Dinosaurs and Dragons
Hello Kitty
Crochet and Knit Puppets
Teddy Bear Patterns and Clothes
Knit and Crochet Food Patterns Great for Play Food
Knitting Patterns Central
Amigurumi and Other Animal Patterns:
Baby Gator
Elephant Jessikins
Fortune Kitty
Frog 2
Knitted Toy Box
Knitting Pattern Central
Peter Rabbit
Sock Frog
Sock Giraffee
Sock Hippo
Sock Monkey Coats and Clark
Sock Pig
Sock Turtle
Tiger like Hobbes
Turtle 2
Turtle 3
Ocean Creatures:
Octupus Pair
Sea Urchin
Insects and Bugs:
There have been several questions about elephant in the photograph. According to the flickr information the picture is made from a paid pattern from Ravelry. The pattern is Elijah.
I would really love to knit the elephant that you have pictured but can not seem to find the pattern among the ones you have listed. Perhaps I am just missing it?
When I do not have personal photographs I use Morgue or Flickr photographs to illustrate my blogs. I do occasionally find the patterns for these pictures and then I list the source. Some are free and some come from published books. I recently found the Plastic Canvas Christmas source in vintage book.
I was looking through Annie's Attic's website and came across a pattern for Elijah that looks close to this elephant. As I mentioned I have no way of knowing what pattern was used in the photograph, but this one looks close. Here is the link.
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