Monday, January 6, 2025

Our Generation Boy Pilgrim

I actually started this shortly after I finished the girl Our Generation Pilgrim but I finished it in pieces. I'd get one item done and put it aside to finish a different project. I finally decided New Year's Day it needed to be completed before pieces were lost and the project abandoned.

This was made using Adoring Doll's male Pilgrim set you can purchase here. She offers a set with both the female and male doll which is the one I have since I use both patterns.

I was disapointed to discover I hadn't written down notes as I went along so I'm trying to recreat notes as I go here. I do know from checking the pants I used elastic at the waist of the pants. I think I then was able to use an H hook for the pants.

I think I also used an H for the hat although at least for the base I'd go larger as it is a bit tight maybe going with a smaller hook once past the head.

I know I used an I hook for the shirt and an H for the belt. I needed to the belt to get it to fit around the body. I added stitches until it fit and used a snap to close the belt.

Fairly sure the shoes were an H hook as the boots were tight when I went with suggested G hook.

I would add a few rows to the sleeves and perhaps one row to the pants. The pants are supposed to be shorter for the period but these are just a little shorter than needed.

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