Along with the free pattern from Joann's I also used several of the animal patterns found in A Zoo For You (Leisure Arts #5152)
One thing I've come to appreciate about the projects in this book is they work up quickly and the sew together fairly easily while still looking cute. Since I have several to make, those qualities are important.
If you arrived here looking for free patterns you may be interested in the following blog pages:
Dinosaurs and Dragons
Knit and Crochet Food Patterns Great for Play Food
Hello Kitty
Crochet and Knit Puppets
Crochet Amigurumi Animals and Stuffed Animal Free Patterns
Knit Amigurumi and Stuffed Toys
Crochet and Knit Amigurumi and Other Dolls
Knit and Crochet Toys
Teddy Bear Patterns and Clothes
Halloween Page
Pictures may not be used without permission.
I immediately thought of "hungry, hungry hippo." :-) How long did it take to make it?
One of the great things about these little patterns is they work up quickly. He was done in a couple of hours of work time. That included sewing together and all the details.
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