Crafting is fun for all ages and interests. This blog evolved from researching resources for friends and articles I write as a freelance writer. It is a place to share the information I discovered. Please feel free to leave comments and questions. I am always looking at new projects ideas for family and friends in areas of my own abilities and theirs. As a notice to my readers this blog does contain Amazon links and Google Adsense. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
15 Inch Baby Doll Sundress with Hat
This is another favorite outfit to make for the 15 inch soft doll Mary Maxim baby doll that I donate. The Hooks and Knives Blogspot has disappeared from the web, but I was able to locate the pattern for the time being here.
This was originally designed for a Fisher Price 14 1/2 Inch Mommy and Me doll, but I found it adapted easily enough. I changed to a K hook and joined the back after the first row to avoid having to use buttons or velcro. It works fine.
I like this pattern because it works up quickly, with adjustments requires little sewing, and it is easy for a child to take on and off without assistance.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Mary Maxim's Car Blanket
I originally made this as a Christmas gift, but I decided that due to circumstances it is going to be a birthday gift instead.
This was made using a Mary Maxim kit found here. My major disappointment with this kit was it came with Red Heart sport yarn instead of Mary Maxim yarn. I realize it made the kit price cheaper, but I'd rather have paid more and gotten a less scratchy yarn.
The pattern worked up quickly and it is a cute blanket for a little one. I did choose to change the pattern of the cars. I wanted more variety, so I didn't follow the pattern which suggested mostly VW bug type cars. I liked the different cars on the road. I plan to make more of these in the future.
Friday, December 19, 2014
15 Inch Baby Doll Dress and Hat
This dress was adapted from a free pattern for a 14 Inch baby doll found here. Thanks Recycle Cindy for providing the free pattern.
This is one of my favorite patterns for the 15-inch soft bodied Mary Maxim dolls. It works up quickly and because I can pull it up over the doll, I can actually close the opening in the back and it doesn't require buttons or any closings. I avoid those when possible. The skirt has a very pretty pattern, giving the outfit a very pretty look. I found using a heavier weight yarn helped adapt the dress to fit the larger 15" doll.
I was also pleased to be able to make this a stash-busting project. I had some pretty cranberry colored red yarn left and being in the holiday spirit, it seemed a great color to work on this dress. I've managed to finish up a couple more outfits for the 15" doll so I should have those posted soon. It is nice to get a jump on this project, as I know the time creeps up all too soon and I want the bags to be full to bursting when that happens.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Baby Jenna Hat, Pants, Booties, and Sweater
This is my first outfit of the 2015 donation year for the Melissa & Doug Jenna - 12" Baby Doll
I find this doll the most challenging to get the patterns to fit. While there are lots of retired patterns out there for 12" baby dolls, they seem to have slightly different dimensions. I started out working with TD Creations Erin pattern 7106. That is the best booties pattern I've found and will be coming back to that one later. The pants were a little short between the crotch and the waist, but otherwise fitted well. I had to improvise the shirt using another pattern.
The hat was actually the test hat I made using the mini slouchy hat pattern found here. When made to directions I got a 12" doll hat not an 18" doll hat. It worked for me since I often trade out items if they fit another doll.
I think it is a good start to getting her some clothes for next year's donation. I found to my shame she had far fewer items than the other dolls as I packed up this year. So, I'm going to have to work harder to find items that work.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
American Girl Christmas Celebration
I was gifted some Hobby Lobby Christmas yarn a while back and have been slowly using it up. As I finished packing up the 2014 doll donations, I came across the yarn again and thought it would be fun to make a holiday dress for the one of the 2015 dolls. I started with the sweater pattern from the out of print Springfield Collection Sweater Trio FCM494. I originally considered making a sweater and pants outfit. The yarn however, was not working for a sweater and seemed to be working itself into a dress, so I went with it. I finished off the dress and added a skirt to the sweater to make it a complete outfit.
The hat was another experiment. I had found a free mini slouchy hat pattern while researching the link for the Panda Hat I posted about previously. I decided to try it out and it became a part of this outfit. You can find the pattern here. One note about the hat, I had to use a much larger hook to get the hat to fit. I don't suggest anyone trust my gauge, but I do try to let people know when I've had to change something to make it work. Depending on how tight/loose you crochet, it might not be an issue for you.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Bunny Cradle Purse
This is the last of the 2014 toy donations I have to post. I worked on this project over the Spring and Summer of 2014 and then it got put aside. As I was getting ready to send off the donations it seemed like a good project to finish off and add to the pile.
The pattern is Sandy Powers Bunny Cradle Purse and Play Set and can be purchased here. I think it would make an adorable Easter basket gift for someone who is planning on the next round of holiday presents.
The pattern does have more items you can make for clothing, I just ran out of time. This is a nice set for someone looking for an animal cradle purse set that has lots of accessories.
The one problem I had with this set and I've had it with several draw string type patterns I've tried is getting it to draw up smoothly. I'm going to have to research this more because I suspect based on multiple patterns I've tried the problem lies with something I'm not doing correctly.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Peppermint Snowman
I don't often take time to make decorations for our house at Christmas, but I couldn't resist trying out this part of the Large Peppermint People Pattern found in Mary Maxim's e-patterns here. My husband loves this guy so it was worth taking the time. For those of you familiar with ami's this is not an ami style pattern. Each piece is worked flat and sewn together. The arms and feet are the only parts worked in the round.
I didn't have time to make the gingerbread man this year, but I hope to get him on my list for next year's project. While it says "large" I didn't find them to be that large. While not tree ornaments, mine was a good size that didn't take up much space in the living room. Then again, I didn't check the gauge either.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
18 Inch Doll Panda Hat
This was the last doll item to make it into the donation bag. I finished it months ago, but just never could get around to getting a picture taken. With the pressure to get the bag packed I finally got it done.
This is a free pattern found here. It works up quickly and it provides different styles if you want to make some different hats for the dolls.
I'd like to experiment and get a few done for next year's donation.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
18 Inch Doll Tunisian Crochet Doll Bag
Back in November, I took a Tunisian Crochet class at Fiber Fest New England. I finally decided I would do the practice project, which was a coin purse. I had no need of the purse, but the stitch practice seemed like a worthy goal. When I finished it, the size seemed perfect for my 18-inch doll project, so I added it to the bag of clothes to be donated. It works well with a few of the outfits and it made me feel good that my practice project will get some use.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Aztec Wishes Donation Delivered
I was so excited knowing my DH was dropping off my doll donations to the school this morning. The business students at the local Tech High School run a toy donation program every year and I donate mostly dressed dolls. A few years I add some extras but for the most part dressing dolls has been my contribution.
This year I started the project right after the donations left the house after Thanksgiving in November of 2013. There was an early deadline last year and I got to work on the holiday outfits finishing most of them before Christmas. It was a wise choice because once I stopped in the spring I had family commitments that kept me from getting back to the doll project. However, because I was so busy in the cold winter months, my donation didn't suffer because I couldn't get back to it in the summer.
This year I donated two 18" dolls, a 15" baby doll, a 12" baby doll, a 5" baby doll, and a bunny cradle purse. It was so much fun seeing the projects grow. I still have a couple of projects to post that I finished and never got posted.
My Mom had an injury that kept her from knitting much of the year. When she got back to it, her focus was on finishing her family projects. She hopes to be back to knitting for the donation next year. I would like to thank friends from Crochetville who sent me items during the year for the project and answered my wishes for new patterns to try. The children greatly appreciate the items for their dolls.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Tunisian Holiday Stripes Potholder
When I decided I wanted to learn Tunisian Crochet, I went a little crazy and picked up just about every book I could find because I just couldn't master the stitches. After hitting a wall I put them aside knowing I needed a little human interaction to get through my block. After returning from my class I picked up Learn Tunisian Crochet (Tiger Road Crafts) (Volume 2)
The simple stitch is a favorite of mine. I still struggle with tightness, but the stitch is as advertised, simple. The knit stitch is finally starting to come along for me, but again, tension is an issue and I have to work on keeping it from getting too tight.
I did find at least with working with the cotton, switching from the bamboo to the metal made sliding the yarn a bit easier. I have been experimenting with different kinds of long handles for the moment and while I thought I'd like the bamboo, I have been having trouble with the cotton not sliding as well as it does on the Bates metal ones.
I was not familiar with Tiger Crafts or the author, but the price was reasonable. I was very impressed with the quality of the pictures. For those looking for formal Tunisian directions, this will likely disappoint. The directions are very simple but the pictures are some of the best I've seen for figuring out hook placement, looking at what the stitches are supposed to look like when finished, and basic explanations for how to complete your tasks. This was my ultimate beginners guide.
I will say I did use cotton instead of the Red Heart Super Saver yarn as suggested as I plan on using them as hot pads. They do come out a bit smaller than I am used to for hot pads. However, for practice the stitch count is a good size.
I have started on the Basket Weave pattern and am trying to decide if it will be a dishcloth or a potholder when I'm finished.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Peter and Patty Pilgrim
I received this pattern from Crochet Spot as a gift some time ago. I adapted it to make holiday ami's for a swap, but never got back to making the original Peter and Patty Pilgrim as found in the pattern you can purchase here.
This was my final Thanksgiving project for the year. I had a couple of others I dug out that will have to wait until next year for me to get to them. It is time to get on those Christmas projects.
This is a fun project. The boy and girl work up differently. That being said, I made the boy even more different by choosing to alter the way the legs were made so I didn't have to sew them on. That wasn't possible with the way the girl was constructed. That is why she is considerably shorter than he. I was Ok with that. It was fun to work on the different styles of construction.
While I had adapted the boy's pattern previously to make animal Pilgrim decorations, this was my first attempt at making the girl and I was pleased with it. My house is looking considerably more festive for our Thanksgiving celebration with some new decorations. Perhaps next year I can add a few more.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Tunisian Crochet Dishcloth Sampler
I went to Fiber Fest New England on November 1 and had a wonderful experience. One of the best things about the trip was taking a beginners Tunisian Crochet class with Heather McQueen. I knew going in I was likely never going to finish the assigned project. My goal was to work through the hurdles that had blocked me from learning the basic stitches. Heather was great and stayed and helped those of us who were struggling until we could figure out where the hook was supposed to go so our stitches looked like the sampler she had made of the pattern she'd given us to practice.
I avoided the pattern and decided to just stick with the stitches so I'd gain the maximum value of her time. It would do me no good to finish the first section of the pattern and still not know how to complete most of the major stitches. Even after the class I recognized one of my major faults was I stitched too tight. It likely comes from years of working ami projects where tight is a goal not a problem.
When I came home I started searching for a dishcloth pattern that would help me practice my Tunisian stitches and I came across not just a pattern, but an amazing free tutorial from Maxine Pike that took me even farther than my class did. You can find the pattern here.
This time the stitches are both tight and sometimes too loose. I'm working on finding a balance between really tight and too loose as I learn the basics of the stitches. There was a battle going on, but I didn't give up and I did manage to learn the mechanics of the stitches. That is a huge break through for me because I just couldn't figure some of them out before taking the class.
This first dishcloth isn't a work of art, but I proudly display it here because after over a year of trying to learn the basic Tunisian stitches, I have gotten through a sampler in which I made quite a few of the basic stitches. I had tried videos and DVD's but I needed a human who could explain not what they wanted to tell me, but what I couldn't understand. I hope this encourages others to keep trying. You can eventually find someone who can help you find the way.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Rainbow Block Afghan
One of the dogs' groomers was expecting a baby boy and I wanted a fun and quick blanket to work up. I started one, but it just didn't work for me. Then I came across an e-pattern at Leisure Arts for the Rainbow Block Crochet Afghan. I liked the pattern and it worked up quickly. It appears to have been a hit with the gift recipient when DH dropped it off when the dogs got groomed in October. Yes, I admit this time of year I get incredibly behind in posting projects. This year has been particularly crazy.
However, at least I am still finishing projects, even if I'm slow to get them posted.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Crochet Pilgrim Bears
Back in November of 2010, I made a set of these Pilgrim Bears using an adapted out of print Annie's Attic pattern, 8B040. It was hard to send them off to their new homes, but I did, always believing I'd get back to making myself another pair. Well this year I got to thinking about how fast Thanksgiving disappears with the long Halloween season and the rush to Christmas. So, I decided I'd try to make something special that I would have to remember not just this holiday, but hopefully many more Thanksgivings to come.
Most of the adaptations I made to the pattern are in the face. The Annie's pattern has a cute almost cartoon face, but I like the simpler face I chose for my bears. After having made the ears for the first set that stick out, I opted against that for this pair. I just didn't like the look as much as I do the way they look in my revised set. I also stuck with one color for the face this time and that seemed to be a better choice too, looking back at the older pictures.
The pumpkins are from a Mary Maxim kit I made in 2012. I put them out when the Halloween stuff comes out and keep them out through Thanksgiving. I love the colors.
I'm working on a Pilgrim Boy at the moment. I just need to make his arms and sew them on. As time is running out, I'm not sure if I will attempt his sister this year. However, when the season started I had no hope of starting the bears so I feel pretty good about the additions I've made to our Thanksgiving decorations.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Shivers D Snowman Ornament
I posted the ornament I sent for Crochetville's Ornament Swap, yesterday. Today I'm posting the beautiful ornament I received. I love snowmen. In fact, I've been known to keep out the non-Christmas snowmen through the winter just to keep the house festive through the dark snowy days. I was delighted when my very thoughtful partner sent me pictures of three ornaments to choose from that she had created. However, then it became very hard to choose.
DH helped me settle the matter, by putting in the deciding vote based on my love for the snowguys.
I want to send out a very public Thank You to my partner who made this swap so much fun. This was truly a delightful bit of fun in a crazy season.
For those of you interested in Shivers, he is an e-pattern available for purchase through Mary Maxim here.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Turtle Ornament
I participated in Crochetville's Ornament swap this year. I decided on a turtle theme for my partner, but to my surprise, I couldn't find a turtle Christmas ornament pattern. I've been down this road making holiday themed ami's using Barbie clothing, so I set out to see if I could find a small turtle that would be suitable for an ornament.
The pattern for the turtle is the free Tiny Striped Turtle found here. I tried a couple of striping options before settling on Hobby Lobby's Christmas variegated. I liked the way it patched. I made the hat using an out of print Barbie pattern.
I've found over the years, doll patterns can adapt to ami's and in this case ornaments to create some fun holiday outfits. Once you get an idea of how to certain accessories like hats, they become easier to adapt to different sized heads.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Update on my plans for the New England Fiber Festival
They say nothing worth doing is easy and this is proving to be true. I got into the Tunisian Workshop I really wanted to take, but the Assabet Bus has been cancelled do to lack of interest. Thankfully, I was able to get a spot on the Woolpack bus. It is a more challenging, but it will work. It also means Assabet is less likely to offer trips like this in the future, which is also sad. I was hoping if there was local interest, I might have a chance to take advantage of more opportunities for these types of events using local transportation.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Fiber Festival of New England
I always seem to hear about great fiber events after they've passed or too late to make plans to register and arrange transportation, but this year I seemed to have gotten slightly ahead of the curve for Fiber Festival of New England located in Springfield at the Big E.
The event is being held November 1 and 2 9-5 on Saturday and 9-3 on Sunday. You can find out more about the event here.
For those of you interested in not having to drive to Springfield I found two local options. Assabet Technical High School's Adult Ed Program is offering a bus to the festival that includes the cost of admission. The course is called Fiber Festival of New England. The course number is CRO-F14. The cost is $45. You can find the details at Assabet's website here. You can register here.
The Woolpack in Acton is also offering a bus that includes the price of admission. That bus leaves at 8:00 and the price is $50. You can check out the details here.
Not sure if I am too late to register for a Tunisian workshop. That is next on my list to check out. However, I am glad to see I finally got my arrangements in order for one of these events.
The event is being held November 1 and 2 9-5 on Saturday and 9-3 on Sunday. You can find out more about the event here.
For those of you interested in not having to drive to Springfield I found two local options. Assabet Technical High School's Adult Ed Program is offering a bus to the festival that includes the cost of admission. The course is called Fiber Festival of New England. The course number is CRO-F14. The cost is $45. You can find the details at Assabet's website here. You can register here.
The Woolpack in Acton is also offering a bus that includes the price of admission. That bus leaves at 8:00 and the price is $50. You can check out the details here.
Not sure if I am too late to register for a Tunisian workshop. That is next on my list to check out. However, I am glad to see I finally got my arrangements in order for one of these events.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Little Red Riding Hood Baby Doll
I love fairy tales and making themed outfits is always fun. I made this outfit for the Melissa & Doug Jenna - 12" Doll
Something else I enjoy is collecting old crochet patterns and while they can take some work to adapt, they are also can create some fun outfits for dolls. The dress for this outfit came from an old Mary Maxim pattern 189V, which is available for purchase here. I am thrilled Mary Maxim is releasing more of their old patterns for download. I've picked up several doll and other patterns and have had fun working on them.
The cape comes from a black and white 1981 publication from House of White Birches, Baby Doll Fashions to Crochet by Margaret Funk. I found this on one of my many vintage pattern hunts and I have had a great deal of fun exploring the patterns. One thing I will note is the sizes are a bit challenging. For instance they might tell you it is for a 13" doll, but what kind of 13" doll? There are no additional measurements. That being said I've been able to adjust most of the patterns to fit by changing yarn and hook sizes. The 18" patterns have fit pretty well for the padded 15" baby doll when I used worsted instead of sport yarn and increased the hook size.
Barbie and American Girl Doll Free Patterns are listed on my blog at these locations:
Barbie Crochet and Sewing Page
Barbie Knitting Page
Ken Page
Kelly/Skipper Page
American Girl Doll Crochet and Sewing
American Girl Doll Knitting
Doll Blankets and Pillow Patterns
Baby Doll Patterns:
Baby Doll and Cabbage Patch
Additional Doll Patterns also Available on the Holiday Blogs:
Halloween Page
Pictures may not be used without permission.
Monday, August 18, 2014
American Girl Pussycat, Pussycat Where Have You Been?
As I mentioned last week I picked up the new Crochet World Presents Best of Animals, Toys, & Dolls magazine. The first item I attempted was the pattern called "Pussycat, Pussycat Where Have You Been?" by Sandy Abbate.
The pattern calls for Patons Astra light, a 3-weight yarn. I used Red Heart sport and other than having to change hooks to make gauge, I had no issue with the change. It also helped me use up some yarn in my stash. I found the hat, the pants, and the shoes worked up really well and will be making them again. I liked the hat without the face so I left it that way. The details didn't look like they'd be that bad to add if you wanted the kitty face.
I did however, struggle with the sweater. After two attempts, I couldn't get the pattern to work for me and opted for the "Cable Loop" Sweater from the out of print Fibre Craft's Springfield Collection Sweater Trio. When I'm working on my donation projects, if something doesn't work, I tend to move on to something I can finish as having a completed wardrobe is my goal and November is creeping up on me. I would love to hear from others that finished the sweater.
Barbie and American Girl Doll Free Patterns are listed on my blog at these locations:
Barbie Crochet and Sewing Page
Barbie Knitting Page
Ken Page
Kelly/Skipper Page
American Girl Doll Crochet and Sewing
American Girl Doll Knitting
Doll Blankets and Pillow Patterns
Baby Doll Patterns:
Baby Doll and Cabbage Patch
Additional Doll Patterns also Available on the Holiday Blogs:
Halloween Page
Pictures may not be used without permission.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Crochet World's Best Animal, Toys, & Dolls
I was between appointments last week and stopped into my local bookstore to cool off and relax between stops. I love checking out new books and magazines and always check out what might be new in crochet. I was pleasantly surprised to see a new special Crochet World had been issued, Crochet World Presents Best Crochet Animals, Toys & Dolls. While I understand the specials are not included in my regular subscription, I've always found it frustrating that as a subscriber I don't get notices about these, I either find them in a store, or catch them at Annie's. While I don't buy every special issue, I do buy them when I can find them before they go to digital issues. I even have a collection of older doll and toy ones that date back to the ones with black and white pictures. I'll be blogging about some doll clothes I made from one in the not too distant future.
The issue covers a variety of projects from doll clothes, amis, and toys to items for kids to wear and use. There are three 18 inch doll outfits, which I am always thrilled to find new patterns to make for my donation project. In the doll section, there were also 2 patterns for 5-inch dolls and one for the chubby 10-inch dolls. I've already worked my way through most of one of the 18-inch patterns. There are two dolls with outfits and accessories you can make. I am thinking about using some of the clothing and accessories for my projects. While I admire the doll making process, I'm not sure that is on my agenda at the moment.
As for the rest, I love the dragon and the farm puppets with the farm bag. Those are adorable and might have tempted me into a purchase. The Twister game is cute; though I'm not sure I'd have the patience to put it all together. I already am looking at yarn to make the fox hat and scarf set. I was a bit disappointed in some of the choices. There are many free options for bowling sets, balls, ring toss and some of the other ami items selected. I would have preferred to see some new ideas. I suspect that original costs more than the magazine could bring in under budget. While they don't show you the doll's clothes, Annie's does highlight many of the ami's if you click on see more images in their add here.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Shawl for a Wedding Guest
I wanted a shawl to wear over a dress I bought for a July wedding. I found the Five Point Diamond Shawl in the Leisure Arts leaflet Make in a Weekend Shawls
The shawl worked up quickly using Caron Super Soft. The one adjustment I made for myself to make following the pattern easier is I put the repeated rows in pencil for rows 21-41 at the bottom of the second page. This way when I finished a row I never had to think about which row I was supposed to be working on next. The book says rows 21-41 repeat rows 15-20, which are repeating rows 9-14. It was easier just to write it out, rather than trying to look back after finishing each row.
I didn't end up wearing this dress to the wedding. As I was getting the pictures taken for this post prior to packing it for the wedding, I realized the dress had several flaws and returned it for something that still allowed me to use my shawl. Do to time issues; I didn't take a picture of that outfit.

Visit Create With Joy here
Monday, July 28, 2014
Around my birthday, I received a wonderful package from a Crochetville fairy godmother that included a scrubbie. DH really liked the pot scrubber and urged me to discover a pattern to make more. I found a free pattern on Ravelry here.
The pattern works up quickly. The author includes a link to a video that shows how to make the scrubbie from crocheting to sewing it together. Never having made one of these before, I found the video important to understand how the scrubbie is put together. I took pictures so I'd remember the how to put it together the next time.
Just one note, in order to get the spiral look for my scrubbie, I did have to mold it a bit when I was done, but it has held its shape. At first, I thought I'd made a mistake, but I realized in looking at the one I'd received that it also had to be moved into the spiral. It didn't naturally fall that way.
I plan to make more of these and may throw some into Christmas packages this holiday season. I was impressed with how well they cleaned.
It has been a busy summer. I have several shawls to post. I fell behind with Blogging as I prepared to travel to a family wedding. The wedding was wonderful, but distracted me from many of my normal summer activities. I just need to get the crochet pictures uploaded so I can post them.
I finally started working on learning Tunisian crochet. I've been working through a dishcloth with assistance from a DVD and books. I have been researching my options to take a local class. I have videos, but I have decided I need a teacher I can interact with to make more progress. I also located my local chapter of the CGOA, and am hoping to get involved starting with their meeting next month.
If you arrived here looking for free patterns check out the following blog pages:
Kitchen, Bath and Home
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy Independence Day
I hope everyone has a happy, safe, and fun July 4th holiday. We have lots of fun planned with family today.
My Mom started a holiday project for me back around Christmas. She bought pillows and then made holiday covers. Right before my birthday, she sent the final set. In honor of the holiday I thought I post the Patriotic pillow covers she made.
This is actually a great gift idea if you have someone who likes to decorate for the holidays as I do. My Mom waited until the holiday fabric was on sale and then picked up the patterns she liked best. I now have holiday pillows for every season. It is also a nice reminder of my Mom during the holidays, as we don't live near each other.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Independence Day Wish List Granted
A wonderful MO Fairy Godmother from Crochetville sent me a package of July 4th goodies yesterday. I got a beautiful holiday dishtowel with a crocheted dishtowel topper. I keep promising I'm going to learn to make these, but I've yet to do so. I also got a pot scrubber that can easily double as a hot pad for my busy July 4th kitchen. The thoughtful FGM also included a set of note cards.
I can never say enough about the thoughtful people I encounter at Crochetville. There are many kind and generous souls who reach out to each other to make them feel special and though of when they least expect it.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Tranquil Diamonds Prayer Shawl
This prayer shawl was made using the Tranquil Diamonds Shawl pattern found in Crocheted Prayer Shawl Companion, The: 37 Patterns to Embrace, Inspire, and Celebrate Life.
This was a fun pattern to work on and slightly different from any of the others I had previously made. The only challenge I had was in not reading the directions correctly on how the diamond was formed. Looking back it now seems logical. At the time it created some confusion for me and I had to pull it out and consider logically what the directions were asking of me to complete the task.
I'm still trying to locate a place in my house that will allow proper lighting for the prayer shawls. The doll shots work well in the brighter lights of my kitchen. Finding a place with great lighting to take the shawl shots has not been as easy.
If you arrived here looking for free Prayer Shawl Patterns please check out the following Blog Page:
Free Prayer Shawl Patterns
Pictures may not be used without permission.

Visit Create With Joy here
Monday, June 9, 2014
Wide Scarf Prayer Shawl
I have my second prayer shawl meeting tonight and I've finished 6 prayer shawls to bring. This is the fifth and I'll be posting pictures of the sixth one on Wednesday. I started a seventh one last night to work on during the meeting tonight. I am quite surprised. I had expected to finish one. Generally, I find it hard to focus on projects that repeat rows for a considerable amount of time. However, I seem to have picked a good time to start these projects. I don't seem to be able to focus on my doll projects at the moment and as long as I keep changing patterns each time, the repeated rows seem to be rather relaxing.
This pattern is the cover pattern from The Prayer Shawl Ministry: Reaching Those in Need (Leisure Arts #4225)
Several people suggested trying Walmart for the Homespun yarn, our local Walmart does carry it, and the price is the cheapest I've found, slightly under $5. The only place close in price I've seen so far is Knitting Warehouse and that requires shipping. It seems pretty popular and I couldn't get enough of all of the colors I wanted to finish a shawl, but I got enough to make my next few projects. It is easy enough to return to get my next supply as long as they keep carrying it.
If you arrived here looking for free Prayer Shawl Patterns please check out the following Blog Page:
Free Prayer Shawl Patterns
Pictures may not be used without permission.
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- 15 Inch Baby Doll Sundress with Hat
- Mary Maxim's Car Blanket
- 15 Inch Baby Doll Dress and Hat
- Baby Jenna Hat, Pants, Booties, and Sweater
- American Girl Christmas Celebration
- Bunny Cradle Purse
- Peppermint Snowman
- 18 Inch Doll Panda Hat
- 18 Inch Doll Tunisian Crochet Doll Bag
- Aztec Wishes Donation Delivered