Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Rag Doll Summer Dress

I bought these blond haird Rag Dolls from Factory Direct for several years for the donation after someone sent me one they had dressed for the donation and I took on the challenge of trying to dress one. The last time I ordered my replacement dolls they came in a version that I had replaced when I found these. The hair is thinner and a bright orange/yellow color. I tried finding a replacement for this doll but I it is not meant to be. If my inventory is correct the Rag Dolls I ordered will see me through 2026 as I don't wish to waste what I ordered. However, I've already started working on adding the Calico Critters this year which will eventually replace the Rag Dolls in the donation rotation.


This is an adaptation of the baby doll summer dress from Margaret Funk's House of White Birches Baby Doll Fashions to Crochet.

I need to add an additional sc row before starting the changed directions for the 16 inch baby doll that I've documented several times.

I started with an E hook and repeated row 5 once. Thus rows 3-6 follow the original directions for 3-5 moving each row directions down one. For the original row 6 now row 7 that starts the skirt I moved to a D hook to decrease the skirt size as it is too large with the E hook.

The top is slightly large for this doll so I finish the top and the arm holes with a sc 4 decrease around. It isn't even but it does help make the outfit fit better.

This was made with Lion Brand Ice Cream Cookies and Cream Yarn.

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