Thursday, January 30, 2025

Lots to Love 10 Inch Baby Doll Cuddle Up Romper

One of the advantages to dressing and donating multiple sized dolls is when something doesn't fit one doll you have a shot it will fit another rather than having wasted all your effort and time on an outfit.

This is Amy Carrico's Cuddle Up Romper pattern for the Lots to Love 8 inch doll which is not currently available. According to my records I haven't made it since 2021 and I didn't write much about my experience back then.

However this year following the suggested hook size the outfit was huge. The shirt would have been big but OK but I had to decrease the waist just to fit the Lots to Love 10 inch doll despite the stitch count being right so clearly something wasn't OK.


I used a D hook with Bernat Baby Sport White and Pink.

I had to fiddle with joining the legs to get the stitch count to match and the legs to join.

Later I did additional reduction rounds above what the pattern suggested at the waist as the pants were large even for this doll.

I needed to make a larger starting chain for the headband as the original pattern does fit the smaller doll.

Not all a loss as I know have this set up to use with the larger doll. I am playing with my hook size to see what I need to adjust for a better fit for the smaller doll.

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