A friend has asked for kitchen items for her donation project and so I've been having fun experimenting with projects I don't normally try for myself. I was looking for projects I could make while watching the Olympics so it had to be something that I could do that didn't require maximum focus and I came across patterns made with plastic scrubbies. While I was out picking up kitchen cotton for another project, I also made sure I picked up a package of scrubbies to see if I could even work with them successfully.
This is a free pattern available from Lily here. If you've never crocheted with the plastic scrubbies before, the Lily site has a video tutorial on the same page as the pattern that I found rather helpful in explaining how to get your hook through the mesh and how to get the first row established evenly. I had concerns about ripping the mesh, but the video gave some good tips not just for the foundation row, but works through the whole pattern with you.
This is a great scrap project to finish off cotton left over from other projects. These work up quickly and are great for little gifts or for craft fundraisers.
I've never seen anything like that.
Very cool design! Great color choices.
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