Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Lots to Love 8 Inch Baby Doll Spring Dress

Sometimes you make a mistake on a crochet project and there is really no fixing it. You either pull it back to where the mistake began or you dump the project. However, every so often you find a use for the project that doesn't require such drastic measures.

This is Amy Caricco's Spring Dress set that I've made for both this doll and the Lil Cutesies doll. While I've made this dress on a number of occasions for some reason I had the directions mixed up with a different pattern and as a result the outcome was not what I'd expected. When I surveyed the results I realized while not the outfit I intended to make it would provide an extra outfit for the doll donation.

I finished the shoes, undies, and I made up a hat pattern. I didn't make the sweater for this outfit as the dress is a bit puffier than the pattern and I was afraid the sweater just might not be a good fit. I alternated making these final pieces while starting on the actual pattern in a different shade of Bernat Baby Sport. I just need to finish the shoes for that outfit and it to will be ready to add to my donation stash.

Not all mistakes are disasters. Sometimes they are just a bonus outfit for a baby doll.

Sadly this pattern is not currently available.


I use Baby Bernat Sport yarn for this pattern.

The top requires a C hook and the skirt a B hook. The rest of the pieces use the C hook although I'm considering using a B hook after the second set for the panties.

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