Thursday, August 15, 2024

Glitter Girl Sleeping Bag

With the Glitter Girl sleeping bag finished I have completed the sleeping bag/snuggle sack challenge for 2024. Every doll is leaving with one.

This is the only non-free pattern I use in the challenge as I'd already purchased the set before coming across the free patterns which actually fit the other dolls better and while slightly more time consuming just work better than the mummy sacks as my brothers used to call them.

You can purchase the set for the 18 inch and 14.5 inch dolls here. She also offers each pattern set separately. It comes with additional camping items. I'm going to make the shawl and add it to a pants set. However, I purchased a camping set for the Glitter Girl that contains the items she's made here so I'm not going to duplicate them.

Notes from previous project that I used for this project:

I hook

Check length folding up as I always seem to need extra rows for length. Fold and pin the top prior to checking to see how much more length I still need.

This is closed with 2 rows of contrasting color that go all around closed ends of face area. The stitches are not the same for each row.

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