Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Lots to Love 8 Inch Baby Doll Spring Set

If you read yesterday's blog entry you'll know this was my second attempt at this dress for the 2024 donation. The first one while useable didn't exactly follow the pattern. This one came out as expected and I finished it off with the sweater.

This is made using Amy Carrico's Spring Dress set pattern which she is sadly not currently selling.


Baby Bernat Sport Yarn

Size B hook for the top of the dress C for the skirt and the rest of the accessories. As I mentioned yesterday it might be time to try the b hook for the panties as the waist is larger than it should be for the doll, but I'm torn because the legs fit well and could become tight if the hook gets smaller.

I feel like I'm getting a better balance between outfits and accessories at the start of this donation run.

On another note thanks to a wonderful Barbie blogger I got a heads up about Dollar Tree items for Barbie.

I found clothes that will fit the smaller Chelsea doll. I've been moving towards a more outdoors theme for the Barbie donation and found Jet Ski's and kyaks for the dolls. I also was able to find simple Barbie versions of a kiddie pool for all the dolls. There are supposed to be some career outfits that will fit Barbie but I've not seen them at my local Dollar Trees. It's often hard to find accessories for Barbie that aren't complete kits with another doll. While I occasionally see Barbie clothes sold in Walmart, I've never seen clothes for Chelsea. I plan to continue to make clothes but it is nice to know I have a starter set because the Barbie dolls are often the most neglected as they are the hardest to fit.

I did find shoes and some clothes for Ken at Walmart for the 2023 donation and bought a second set for the 2024 donation at a reasonable price. I mention this because Ken is hard to find stuff for and many of the patterns I have for Ken have to be adapted significantly to fit the modern Ken. If I hadn't made clothes when my nieces were younger with the older Ken models I would completely claim responsiblity for my funky guage but the patterns I made for their dolls don't fit now.

I was able to add tubs for the two smaller baby dolls. While I've made accessories for the smaller baby dolls from time to time I rarely see much available for them. The Dollar Tree tubs come with a Rubber Ducky and soap so it makes for a cute set.

Not sure how long any of this will last but it give a little extra play fun for Christmas day. If you are interested in finding the Dollar Tree stuff realize they don't all have the same inventory despite being the same chain. I've hunted across my local area to find specific items I know will add play value for my annual donation over the course of the year.


Anne said...

That is such a sweet outfit, I love the colours. I'm sure someone will be very happy with it.

Jayne said...

I love this outfit. It's clear to see the amount of love and effort that you put into your donations. You are so very kind. :)

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