I have not made many Ken doll clothes. I made a few pairs of shorts and a shirt, but that was the extent of my efforts that have been split between amigurumi's, food patterns, American Girl clothes, and Barbie.
However, as Thanksgiving approached the free Pilgrim pattern haunted me. I really wanted to make a set to send for Thanksgiving. I looked the pattern over and it did not seem to intimidating.
The pants worked out well although in this picture with him sliding on the floor they do not appear to be even. I also figured out a better method for the feet after the pattern was done, but overall I was pleased with the bottom half. However, I could not make the pattern for the top work and had to try a different approach.
I confirmed my suspicions at a craft fair white elephant this weekend. I was looking at some dolls and picked up a Kelly, Tommy, and a Cabbage Patch doll to use as doll models in my projects. I also looked at a Ken while I was there and realized the shoulders on the doll I am working on are wider and far harder to move than the one at the sale. However, since the child and I have the same doll, buying the less developed Ken hardly helps me so I left him for another child to enjoy.
I was not completely satisfied with top of this outfit. Mine is joined in the back instead of the front. However, was a learning experience. After working on the American Girl doll Pilgrim, I learned some strategies that will help me in my next stab at this pattern.
Barbie and American Girl Doll Free Patterns are listed on my blog at these locations:
Barbie Crochet and Sewing Page
Barbie Knitting Page
Ken Page
Kelly/Skipper Page
American Girl Doll Crochet and Sewing
American Girl Doll Knitting
Additional Doll Patterns also Available on the Holiday Blogs:
Halloween Page
Pictures may not be used without written permission.
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