I resisted buying e-Patterns. I still prefer hard copy pattern books. For Christmas my husband purchased the Star Wars Collection Ami Patterns and the Loony for Looms patterns, paid, downloaded, and delivered them to me. I had asked for both because I knew he would deal better with managing the paying, downloading, getting the code, and printing. Still I resisted the concept of buying my patterns this way.
Then the story I discussed yesterday about Mary Maxim happened. Some of patterns were only e-Patterns and even those that were not did not have traditional pattern books. When I had purchased the doll patterns previously, they had been folded paper copies in a plastic envelope, hardly worth the additional shipping costs. Therefore, this past weekend I ventured into the world of e-patterns and purchased a set of Maggie's Crochet patterns over the Internet. Not earth shattering I realize. However, it was conquering my resistance to an issue. I successfully ordered, paid, and with my husband's assistance downloaded the patterns. When the code arrived, I was able to print my patterns. This was much quicker than waiting a few weeks for the order to arrive and as I mentioned since the patterns are not in book format, not much different from what I would have received by mail. I will still buy books when available. However, I think I will start buying the paper patterns over the Internet to save my shipping costs. Ultimately, I still have to pay for ink and paper. However, I still think there is savings and convenience.
If you arrived here looking for free toy patterns please see the following pages:
Hello Kitty
Crochet and Knit Puppets
Crochet Amigurumi Animals and Stuffed Animal Free Patterns
Knit Amigurumi and Stuffed Toys
Crochet and Knit Amigurumi and Other Dolls
Knit and Crochet Toys
Dinosaurs and Dragons
Teddy Bear Patterns and Clothes
Knit and Crochet Food Patterns Great for Play Food
Halloween Page
Pictures may not be used without permission.
Every little bit that you can save definitely helps.
I like both hard copy patterns and epatterns. I agree with you that I like to have a hard copy of my patterns and often, when I buy an epattern, I print an extra to put in a pattern book. I have a copy machine so I can copy as many as I want.
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